
翻譯:减拿年夜總理史蒂芬聖誕緻辭(雙語) - 英好文明

編者按:斯蒂芬・哈珀 (Stephen Harper) 1959年4月30日诞生於加拿大第一大都会多倫多。下中畢業後,他隨怙恃遷居到衰產石油的艾伯塔省。此後,他進进卡尒加裏大壆进修,獲經濟壆壆士和碩士壆位。哈珀是加拿大歷史上最年輕的總理之一。

Christmas is always a special time, a time when Canadians the bonds of family, faith and friendship.


This year, we have even more reasons to give thanks 翻 a challenging year ended well and a new year brings hope and promise.


We shall be the site of the next G-8 and G-20 summits, where the world’s most powerful leaders will set a new course toward sustainable growth and prosperity.


And Canada will wele the world at the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver and Whistler. Young Canadians, already winners of the contests to represent our country, will face off against the best athletes in the world. Their eyes are on gold and our hearts are with them.


Their courage makes us proud. Their determination inspires us and when they take the podium, they will tell us something of our country: in a tough, petitive world Canada can lead. Every great thing to which our nation should aspire is within our reach if we have the spirit of an Olympian.


Laureen, Ben, Rachel and I join in wishing you a very Merry Christmas.


And we ask that you remember in your thoughts and prayers our men and women in uniform who risk their lives in the service of our country and their loved ones here at home who anxiously await their return.


And to them, and all of you, we wish a happy and prosperous New Year.


