
新年祝愿語 (英文) - 英好文明

24EN Editor's Note:Just as the clock signals the arrival of New Year on the midnight of 31st December people start exchanging New Year Wishes with their dear ones. While personal greetings along with a warm hug is given to people who are with us, SMS, emails and New Year cards are sent to dear one's staying in different cities or countries. Given here are some classic and funny New Year wishes that will help you greet your dear ones in better and more special way. A good idea would be to quote these wishful messages in your gift tag. The given collection also includes some selected New Year wishes poems.

Classic New Year Wishes
Then sing, young hearts that are full of cheer,
With never a thought of sorrow;
The old goes out, but the glad young year
es merrily in tomorrow
Emily Miller

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a
better man.
Benjamin Franklin

A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year.
Edgar A. Guest

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Opportunity" and its first chapter is New Year's Day.
Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Resolve to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment.
Sydney Smith

Your Merry Christmas may depend on what others do for you. But your Happy New Year depends on what you do for others.

Every new year people make s to change aspects of themselves they believe are negative. A majority of people revert back to how they were before and feel like failures. This year I challenge you to a new . I challenge you to just be yourself.
Aisha Elderwynv

Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto man His Son hath given;
While angels sing with tender mirth,遠見翻譯,
A glad new year to all the earth
Martin Luther King

This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
William Arthur Ward

And may we live in a world at peace and with the awareness of God's love in every sunset, every flower's unfolding petals, every baby's smile, every lover's kiss, and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our heart.

In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want.
Irish Toast

Funny New Year Wishes
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fall; and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise.

May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-enterologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your podiatrist, your psychiatrist and your plumber.

May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them. May someone love you enough to forgive your faults, be blind to your blemishes, and tell the world about your virtues.

May New Year's Eve find you seated around the table, together with your beloved family and cherished friends. May you find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure much more fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do that night.

May the telemarketers wait to make their sales calls until you finish dinner, may the mercials on TV not be louder than the program you have been watching, and may your check book and your budget balance - and include generous amounts for charity.

May you remember to say "I love you",聽打; at least once a day to your spouse, your child, your parent, your siblings; but not to your secretary, your nurse, your masseuse, your hairdresser or your tennis instructor.

New Year Wishes Poems
New Year Wishes
I wish you Health...
So you may enjoy each day in fort.

I wish you the Love of friends and family...
And Peace within your heart.

I wish you the Beauty of nature...
That you may enjoy the work of God.

I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities...
For those things that really matter in life.

I wish you Generosity so you may share...
All good things that e to you.

I wish you Happiness and Joy...
And Blessings for the New Year.

I wish you the best of everything...
That you so well deserve.

Here are My Wishes for You...
H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures
N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light
Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!
Author Unknown

May the New Year bring these Wishes to you all...
Warmth of love, fort of home
Joy from your children
pany and support of family & friends
A caring heart that accepts & treats all human beings equally
Enrichment of knowledge and richness of diversity
Courage to seek & speak the truth even if it means standing alone
Hopes and dreams of a just world and the desire to make it happen
A light to guide your path
Helping hands to strengthen unity
Serenity and peace within your mind, heart & soul
Food for thought & soul
A hand to hold
Author Unknown

My Wishes for You...
Happiness deep down within.
Serenity with each sunrise.
Success in each facet of your life.
Family beside you.
Close and caring friends.
Health, inside you.
Love that never ends.
Special memories of all the yesterdays.
A bright today with much to be thankful for.
A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams that do their best to e true.
Appreciation of all the wonderful things about you.
Author Unknown

My Wishes for You...
I look to the new year and my wish for you;

Peace within your heart
Love from family and friends
Faith to guide your way
Hope to to make it through each day
Sunshine to light the day
Heavenly Stars to wish upon
Rainbows to to let you know there is a tomorrow
A tear to show passion
A heart to hold the love
But most of all I wish for you
to feel my hand in yours,
To know I am here if you stumble or fall.
To bring you cheer, to bring you love,
to return the love you always share with me.
Author Unknown

New Year Wish...
Perhaps a bit wiser,
a bit kinder,韓文翻譯, too,
a little bit braver,
a heart that's more true,
a touch of believing
I've not known before,
in joys I'm receiving
a little bit more.

A little more anxious
to reach out my hand,
despite hurt or problems
to still understand,
accepting the heartache
that life often brings,
a little more beauty
in life's simple things.

A prayer when I'm weary
as onward I trod,
a little more trusting,
believing in God,
'tis this I would wish for
within moments dear,
not a lot - just a little
this wondrous new year.
Garnett Ann Schultz


正在國中观光中要付出的小費 - 游览英語

  Hotel workers depend on tips to augment their usually small salaries. Rather than being annoyed at having to tip the doorman who greets you, consider it part of the cost of travel and be prepared with the dollar bills you will need to hand out before you even get to your room.

  Depending on the amount of luggage, tip $ 1 to $ 2 to the doorman who takes your bags and turns them over to a bellman. If you are visiting and have no luggage, you naturally do not tip him for simply opening the door for you. Tip him again when you leave with your luggage as he takes it from the bellman and assists you in loading it in your car or into your taxi. When the doorman obtains a taxi for you, tip him $1 to $3 (the higher amount if he must stand in the rain for a period of time to get it).

  Tip $1 a bag but not less than $2 to the bellman who carries or delivers your luggage to your room. When the bellman does something special for you, such as make a purchase or bring something you have requested to your room, but not room service deliveries, he or she should be tipped $ 2 to $ 3 for every service, at the time it is provided.

  For stays of one night or more, the maid should be tipped $2 per night per person in a large hotel; $ 1 per night per person in a less expensive hotel. Give the maid her tip in person, if she can be found. If not, put it in a sealed envelope marked "chambermaid".

  Valet services are added to your bill, so there is no need to tip for pressing or cleaning when items are left in your room. If you are in when your cleaning and pressing is delivered, however, tip $ 1 for the delivery for one or two items, more when several items are being delivered.

Dining Room Staff
  Tips for dining room staff are exactly the same as they are in any other restaurant -15 to 18 percent except in the most elegant dining rooms where tips are 18 to 20 percent. If you are staying in an American -plan hotel where your meals are included in your total bill, tips are as usual, and an additional tip should be given to the maitre d' who has taken care of you during your stay. This tip ranges anywhere from $ 10 to $ 15 for a weekend for a family or group of four people to $ 20 to $ 30 for a longer stay or larger group.








sailingfly的錄音做品:英語好文:youth - 愛思我秀

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind;
it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.
This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.
Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.
Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what's next and the joy of the game of living.
In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope,美加翻譯社, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.
When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you've grown old, even at 20;
but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there's hope you may die young at 80.



Statement by the President on No Child Left Behind Reauthorization - 英語演講

October 9, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Thank you all for ing. I want to thank Secretary Spellings for joining me here. And I appreciate you all -- the leaders of the civil rights munity and advocates for minority and disadvantaged students for joining us as well.

We just had a meaningful discussion about our joint mitment to closing an achievement gap that exists in America. We discussed why reauthorizing the No Child Left Behind Act is vital in ensuring that we have a hopeful America. We don't necessarily agree on every issue, but we do agree that education is a basic civil right, and that a good education is important for America.

We agree that our nation has reached a defining moment in our struggle to secure a good education for every child. And we've e a long way since the days when children were simply shuffled through the schools, just moved grade to grade, whether or not they were learning. See, we believe every child can learn. We don't accept a system that simply shuffles children through the schools. We believe in setting high standards. And we believe that by setting high standards we encourage greater results for every child. And now the question is whether or not we will finish the job to ensure that every American child receives a high education -- high-quality education.

Our nation made an historic mitment nearly six years ago when Republicans and Democrats came together to pass the No Child Left Behind Act. The philosophy of the law is this: The federal government will invest in education, and in return, we seek results. Instead of just hoping for the best,逐字稿, we've asked states to set clear standards, and hold schools accountable for teaching every child to read and do math at grade level. That doesn't seem like too much to ask. In return for taxpayers' money, we expect schools and school districts and state to measure, to show us whether or not a child can read at grade level, or do math at a grade level.

And the key to getting good results is measuring. Measuring results helps teachers catch problems early, so children who need help -- extra help can get that help. In other words, you can't determine whether a child needs extra help unless you measure. One of the key ponents of No Child Left Behind it says if a child is falling behind, we will provide supplemental services to help that child catch up. Measuring results empowers parents with valuable about schools,美加翻譯, so they can push for change if it's needed. Measuring results means schools are working to close the achievement gap, instead of looking the other way when a student is struggling or falling behind.

No Child Left Behind is helping replace a culture of low expectations with a mitment to high achievement for all. And the hard work being done by principals, teachers, parents and students across our country is producing results. Last month, we learned that 4th graders earned the highest math and reading scores in the history of our Nation's Report Card -- and that's good news. I'm able to report that because we actually measure now in the schools.

We learned that 8th-graders set record highs for math scores. We also learned that scores for minority and poor students, and students with disabilities, are reaching all-time highs in a number of areas. As a result, the achievement gap is beginning to narrow, and the promise of America is expanding for children of all backgrounds. In short, No Child Left Behind is working for all kinds of children in all kinds of schools in every part of the country.

There is more work to be done. So long as there is an achievement gap, we have work to do. Our goal is to have every child reading and doing math at grade level by 2014. That seems reasonable to me. Seems like a reasonable thing to ask, is to have every child reading at grade level by 2014, or being able to do math at grade level by 2014. So now is the time not to roll back the accountability or water down standards.

It's reasonable to set an important goal such as that because as the global economy bees more petitive, a good education will bee even more important for getting a good job,日文翻譯. Unfortunately, nearly half of African American and Hispanic students still do not graduate from high school on time. We need to raise the bar for our high schools, as well as for our junior highs and elementary schools. We need to give all our children the skills they need to pete. So I'm going to work with Congress to reauthorize and strengthen the No Child Left Behind Act this year.

My administration has offered several proposals to strengthen this law. By giving local leaders more flexibility and resources, we can help them turn around troubled schools. By giving families with children stuck in low-performing schools the opportunity to choose someplace better, we can raise student achievement. At the same time, we need to increase access to tutoring programs for students who struggle -- and make sure these children get the special help they need. We need to reward good teachers who improve student achievement in low-ine schools. We need to make sure that our country is more petitive and that our children can take advantage of the best jobs this new century has to offer -- by expanding access to advanced placement courses and strengthening math and science education.

As we move forward, we will continue to wele new ideas. And I appreciate the ideas I heard today. Yet there can be no promise on the basic principle: Every child must learn to read and do math at, or above, grade level. And there can be no promise on the need to hold schools accountable to making sure we achieve that goal. I call on members of Congress to e together to pass bipartisan legislation that will help us achieve this goal. By working together, we can raise standards even higher, expand opportunity for all Americans of all backgrounds, and build a future where no child is left behind.

Thank you very much. Thank you all for being here. (Applause.)

END 2:21 P.M. EDT