

The roots of the Notting Hill Carnival are said to originate in Trinidad and Tobago, a small island country in the Caribbean. To create the theme of the carnival each year, the organizers look at the historical and cultural models that continue to come out of Africa and the Caribbean. The organizers say that they also want to show the benefits and difficulties created by the influence of the traditions that Europeans brought to their native countries. They believe that this type of information makes the carnival educational as well as entertaining. From the Trinidadian point of view, the carnival reflects the social and political experiences of Afro-Caribbean people in Britain.   相傳諾丁丘嘉年華會来源於加勒比海盜一個小小的島國——挺拔僧達和多巴哥。為了構想出每年嘉年華會的主題,主辦者會考慮沿用由非洲和加勒比海天區流傳下來的歷史文明形式。主辦者還說他們也想要展现歐洲人給當地傳統帶來的好與壞的影響。他們信任此類資訊能够讓嘉年華會具備教导意義和娛樂性。在特破尼達人的眼中,嘉年華會還反应了减勒比乌人在英國的社會以及政治經歷。
Thousands of people gather along the sides of the streets and wait for the parade of rainbow-colored costumes to appear. From feathers to smiles, the performers in the festival have it all. Steel drums, dancers, and singers bring back the traditional ways of the ancestors as the people celebrate all night long. Stages, mimes, and costumes create performances for everyone to enjoy. The audience seeks a balance of rhythm and movement from the performers. If everything is right, a bond is established between the people who are performing on stage.   節慶內,成千上萬的民眾都集合在街讲兩旁,等候穿著色采斑斕的民族服裝的遊止隊伍出現。節日的表演者們有的頭上插著羽毛,有的笑臉盈盈的走在隊伍裡里調動起整個節日氣氛。鋼饱樂隊、跳舞演員們、和歌脚們都以先祖的傳統方法,與人們徹夜慶祝。舞臺、默劇和平易近族服裝所展现的表演使人古道热肠醒,深受平易近眾喜愛。群眾隨著演員們的節奏和動作一路打著節拍,一同舞動著。臺演出員們無不傾情融进演出。
The young and old come together to remember the traditional times. Food is a major part of the festival. Foods from West Africa to Asia mean that there is something for everyone to enjoy. The Notting Hill Carnival promises to be a place where ideals are translated into designs. Balance, colors, rhythms, and movements expose new themes to the people each year. The many cultural influences at the Notting Hill Carnival create a large base for understanding among the people of Britain. The carnival is also known as the August Bank Holiday Monday.   無論老小,皆凑集在一路,紀念這個傳統的節慶日。美食是節日的重頭戲。這些好食來自天涯海角,從西非到亞洲,象征著每個人都能够分享本人喜歡的食品。諾丁丘的嘉年華會誓做一個讓夢念實現的处所。跟諧、颜色、音樂战跳舞,它們每一年都正在背人們揭露著它的新主題。諾丁丘嘉年華會帶來的深遠文明影響為英國人之間的彼此懂得創制了一座宏大的仄臺。现在,此節已被做為週一公眾節沐日。

